Stop looking for more of this stuff

“There a lot of great points on this thread. We need more distinction between contextual and non-contextual advice. If one is ‘at the board’ working through a problem — then a hint or solution, moves the problem forward. On the other hand, if one is just ‘leisurely browsing advice listicles’ without being at the board, facing the problem, then most likely you are just ingesting dopamine-flavored noise.Advice without context from anyone — whether it is PG, pmarca or Richard Feynman or {your_fav_successful_survivor} - would be useless, unless you are working/thinking about the problem that they are giving solutions for. Help only works if you are looking for something. Also sometimes it is good to just enjoy problem-solving and figuring things out. We are too quick to look for advice — and I get why: because no one wants to “reinvent the wheel”; There are too many standardized administrative things with startups that can be just solved by looking up advice; no problem with that; but sometimes it is worth struggling through a problem even though geniuses like PG and pmarca can give a solution quickly.”

stop hitting the dopamine boosts

“You are drinking from the water hose. Do this long enough and your ability to concentrate will atrophy, it is a muscle that needs regular exercise. The first step is to understand what you are doing to your brain.Try this: instead of merely skimming articles, make it mandatory to summarize everything you read in a few sentences. You’ll very soon figure out that most what you read does not really interest you. Understanding requires work and deeper motivation to do so.”

human width

“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.”

-Robert A. Heinlein

seeing the world

Don’t believe your thoughts. The voice in your head sounds like your voice but that doesn’t make it yours. Trust your inquisitive nature and question things., people and choices, especially if they feel off.Most people fake it, most of the time.Remember what your inner compass feels like. Use that feeling.Remember that you exist.Anyone who tries to sell you your own divinity is a scammer.Anyone who tries to define you sees themselves your master.Anyone who tries to punish or reward you sees themselves your master and wants you to accept that role.Your parents (and guardians) are often piloted by the blind forces of trauma patterns. What they do at these times is not parenting but seizures of madness, of which you are the audience and often the victim. This is not your fault, not your doing, and is not right. You are good to the core, but happen to be on the receiving end of these seizures.This is true for every occurrence of unkindness, humiliation, or abusive interaction by a person who has power over you.Sometimes it’s helpful to see beliefs, stereotypes, even language and habitual ways of thinking as forces that have colonized humanity. There’s space and life beyond these. Follow your curiosity about that dimension. It exists and is vast — infinitely more expansive than the mind’s ability to think.Humanity/society is multilayered. The shittiest layers get most of the publicity. There are many, many awesome people living in integrity, creating with open hearts and rich imagination. You can be one of them; the easiest way is to join their communities and friendships.Friendships are sacred, and deserve your utmost integrity, attention and honesty.You’re good and you are able to recognize the people who have not broken/fallen to the dark side. Trust that.

What do you want?

“Are you staying an engineer all your life or eventually be an exec? Do you want to be well paid or influential? Are you a PhD who likes doing one thing in depth, or are you a get-sh*t-done person who likes multiple interesting projects? Do you plan to change jobs a lot or stay one place for a long time?”

physical health

get fit, seriously

“Advice to my younger self: Get really fit. Like do upside-down-handstand-push-ups fit. Fitness is an easy way to get status that requires essentially no luck. Women are attracted to high status individuals. It shows you are a hard worker, a trait that people respect. It gives you energy and health, and is much more fun than being on a computer.”

food intake

no sugar. it’s addictive. gives energy. not easy, but needed.

“whole fruit, salad, no dressing, chicken, steak, salmon and water.”“your taste buds adjust over time”“My energy levels jumped when I changed my lunches from carbs&protein (pasta, potato etc) to salads with protein.You can put vinegar, salt and a dash of olive oil as seasoning into a salads - still no sugars.”

“Keto + intermittent fasting is a great combo. You just feel better and less bloated day to day.”