My laptop has been described as unusable by anybody else but me. These are the parts and the reasons why it is so.

First up: I don't use QWERTY. My keyboard is remapped to Dvorak through Karabiner-Elements (and some other tweaks). The complex modifications setup can be seen on my setup repo.

My touchpad is configured so the bottom left part is the right click and tapping anywhere is a click. The scroll direction is reversed instead of natural.

I mainly launch applications and search files through Alfred. To manage windows in a snap I use Divvy. Clipboard pastes are managed by FlyCut.

Other stuff I have on my menubar are TextExpander (macros), Google Drive Sync, DNSCrypt, RescueTime (time tracking), Caffeine (instant no-auto sleep), and YAM Display (extend display to iPad).

Currently running on High Sierra. Download Link for High Sierra is

A High Sierra image for VMWare Workstation can be torrented from

Guide on how to install mac OS x on x220

My main browser is Google Chrome with these plugins: